Welcome to stillframe video services

We currently provide service to the Tsawwassen / Delta BC area of greater Vancouver.

Our goal is to help bring your precious memories into the digital world.

Services and conversion fees
VHS Video tapes are $10 per tape, any length.
Video8 (Identifiable from "Video8" or "Hi8" logo on small tape) $7 per tape
Regular audio cassette tape, $2 per tape

Return media
For video, you can choose between DVD or USB Flash Stick.
It is reccomended that you choose USB Flash Stick as DVD becomes more obsolete. USB Flash will also provide you with pure MP4 video file in the highest quality without DVD re-encoding.
If you choose USB Flash Stick, Please bring your own flash drive and ensure that it has at LEAST 1-2 Gigabytes free PER TAPE!

Currently we do NOT have the ability to work with
VHS-C Tapes (Identifiable from only ONE sprocket hole on back side, unlike VHS or Video8)
Digital8 (Identifiable by "Digital8" logo on small tape)
any others not listed above

If you are interested please TEXT/CALL here: 604-790-2570
Payment in CASH only.
Pickup and dropoff location can be arranged over phone or text.

Additional offer:
As part of my other archival efforts, any donations of TV RECORDED VHS tapes are accepted! If you are planning on throwing away any VHS tapes recorded from TV please consider donating them alongside your dropoff to be properly archived for television history. Thank you!


Captured from VHS - 1989 Tape

Captured from Video 8 - 2005 Tape

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website created by: Jay Anderson